Spiral Pathways As Radiant Root Cultivation For Dreams
dream spiral creation story
I am fascinated with the creation stories of our world. I love learning about stars and planets, moons and orbits. Yesterday I uncovered another magical connection about our tiny pocket of the universe: our entire solar system is only a speck of miracles within the spiraling galaxy of miracles called the Milky Way. We exist as one of the younger solar communities— not even at our 5 billionth birthday yet!— on the outer edge of the Milky Way galaxy that is about 15 billion years old. The total expanse of our sun and all her orbiting planets is 8 billion miles across, representing less than .02% of the entire matter of the Milky Way. Do you see how small we are? Can you feel how vast we are?
The mmC is leading me deeper into cosmic studies. There is something that I am feeling for in the way of fully understanding and articulating the connection between the spin of our planet, and the spins we do in the mmC. The microspin, or core spin, is the smallest rotation, booty roll, that we can make. It involves engaging the lower abdominal and pelvic floor muscles to access the tiniest spin around your center, while maintaining the integrity of the circle. When we do this we are wrapping our womb, giving it a love-filled hug.
The microspin is like a ringshout for the womb, a circular ritual to code our womb with our prayers, visions, healing, mantras, and sacred scripts for regeneration. When I am fully warmed inside my mmC practice, I experiment with making smaller and smaller spins—another way of finding infinity.
The other reason I am really enjoying studying the birth of the universe is because I feel like I’m receiving confirmation that my intuition is growing more and more attuned the power and possibilities of the mmC. The microspin is one of the core movements of the mmC practice, and I feel its relevance has expanded even more in learning about another sacred spin that stabilizes our own solar system. The sun, the center of our solar system, is spinning around itself. The Earth, along with the other planets in our solar family, spins around itself as it also orbits the the sun. The moons of all the planets orbit their respective planets while also spinning around themselves. All of this I knew, and it nourished my fascination with the rotations I experiment with in the microspin and other mmC movements.
What I didn’t know until yesterday was that our entire solar system is spinning around the center of the Milky Way, just like we’re doing with the microspin! Our sun is not a static star after all. The story is not just that our sun is spinning in place, her sole purpose to sustain us and the other orbiting planets. She is on a journey too, sourcing her energy from her own internal devotion to the spin. The sun’s spin is in direct correlation to the center of the galaxy that gave birth to her. And just to emphasize again how small we are in this phenomenally gigantic universe, it takes our dear sun 220 million years to complete one orbit around the galaxy!!!
When I read that I just fell out, metaphorically speaking, because there were legos all over the floor. But you get what I’m saying! This whole solar system spin situation just echoes and affirms everything I’ve been feeling about the magic and essential nature of the spin. The spin is everywhere. All living things have cycles and movements that incorporate the spin in different patterns and contexts. Finding the spin in as many ways as possible is one of the visions of the mmC. When we engage the fluid activation of our fertility center’s optimal spin frequencies, we can heal anything, birth anyone and anything, and create everything we feel called to bring forth in this life, this magical speck of time that we are here to add our necessary bit of light to the universe.
Dream Spiral is a practice that emerged when I started feeling to experiment with the microspin (or any spin that feels good to you) while nurturing a spiral pathway, specifically generating light radiance, up my spine. I am at the beginning of this process, and my movements are not yet smooth in all ways. That’s the beauty of the mmC— it is nourishing to us even as we are growing into a softer fluency. The movement helps us feel with great depth and presence all the muscles that are facilitating our fertility labors. The journey to free-flowing, elastic, and vibrant movement nurtures awareness in all the parts of our bodies that we are calling on in realizing our sacred dreams and birthing our starseeds.
With Dream Spiral, I discovered a way to root a dream in my womb by wrapping, or spiraling, the light radiance from my spine (cultivated during the Spiral Column process) around the localized portal, or dream center, embedded in my womb. Once rooted, the dream center becomes a self-sustaining receptor site, radiating a call-and-response frequency into the spheres around us, making us more receptive to opportunities, relationships, and practices that will support the forwarding of the dream.
This wondrous practice was born with me facilitating this majesty for myself, but holding the LOVE in my heart for all the creators in the Garden, and for the creators to come. I didn’t feel alone, even though there was no one looking back at me on the screen. And, I went SO DEEP into it all with just myself! It was amazing! I’m like, if your passion-creation-discovery space doesn’t bring you immense joy and fulfillment when you’re all by yourself inside its labors, then it’s probably not your true passion, and there’s something else on your heart trying to get your attention.
Since birthing Dream Spiral I really feel like I have arrived at the next dimension of understanding, creating, and integrating in the expansion and deepening of the Majestic Muscle Core. I have a more rooted knowing of what the mmC is, how it can support creators in activating their most holy, most tender, most spirit-led dreams. This is also why I am reimagining the mmC in the Garden, so that I can flow more joyfully within the long labor of its becoming.
I invite you to feel for your needs as a creator, and to try the Dream Spiral practice whenever there is a Yes in your heart. Please share your story with the Garden when you do! Enjoy the dance!
mmc #010: dream spiral
Practice Birth Date: 1 May 2021
warm-up: Awaken, Activate, Amplify (Double/Triple Progression)
Practice: dream spiral (3-part evolution)
Spiral Column: the illumination of light up and down your spine
Revelation of Your Dream: the celebration of spirit revealing your dream to your heart
Altar of Dreams/Dream Center: creating a home and receptor site for your dream in your womb (body) by wrapping/spiraling the light activated in the spiral column around the dream center.
discovery questions:
What is the most elemental dream that you can activate right now?
How can you create a reception site in your womb so that your movement can facilitate the amplification of your dream center’s energy pulse and frequency transmission?
How can you live into the Yes of your dream, from who you are right now, from where you are right now?
If you can’t realize the entire dream today, what is the Yes right now?
What part of this dream can be alive, and affirmed and watered in your now?
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