Participating In The Summer 2021 Garden
We have all the time we need. Time is all we have.
I keep hearing those lines when I consider the calendar for the summer. I have gone back and forth around the choice to gather less times online this summer. I remind myself everyday that there is no rush or urgency to stack the calendar with face-to-face sessions. We are always together, I tell myself, and I feel in my heart to be true. I’m really interested in experimenting this summer with more soft-time, do-in-your-own-time offerings as we explore possibilities outside of the weekly lab flow. I will be activating more sharing in our WhatsApp spaces, Morning Dances, Creation Stories, and the Creators Shared Diary.
I am also deepening my archiving, reflecting, processing, and expanding labors for the mmC Majestic Muscle Core. There won’t be any new mmC labs over the summer. I’m going to take my time and revisit each recording, and write extensively about the birth of this movement practice. I speak more about this and all my thoughts for the our summer Garden in the Visions for the Summer 2021 Garden fertility talk.
virtual live gatherings
There will be 4 Soils Labs during the Summer Garden:
Mondays @ 6pm EST: July 12, July 26, August 8 & August 23I am dreaming up an experimental, expanded Soils Lab practice for the summer. I share more about this expansion in the Visions fertility talk. Share your ideas if you feel called to shape one of our practices. This is an adventure in collaboration and you are welcome to participate in ways that feel like a Yes for you!
If you would like to hold the circle, or contribute to the lab on any of these days, please let me know what you’re visioning by July 5th so that I can have a sense of what you’re thinking and which date/s work for you. These Soils Labs are wide open…this is the time to dream big, experiment big…this is the Garden! We are here for your brilliant ideas! In Soils Labs we explore writing, dialogue, artmaking, sacred story sharing, healing labors, rituals…whatever nourishes our soils of creation!
in-person live gatherings
There will be a Fertility Abundance Garden pop-up sanctuary at the Malcolm X Drum Circle (Washington, DC) from about 5pm-8pm EST on Sundays.
The pop-up sanctuaries are where we can dance together, commune, practice sacred story sharing, and invite other creators to participate in our practices.
Unless it’s raining or I need to rest, the pop-up sanctuary is happening.
I welcome your presence and participation in cultivating live sanctuary space with me, even if you’re just passing through and dropping some love into the sanctuary.
I am also experimenting with documenting the pop-up sanctuaries and sharing the magic on the Creators Portal. This is helping me feel into new dimensions of sharing and connecting our Garden sisterships across time and space.
I’m SO OVERJOYED to be dreaming this in-person Garden love forward…here we grow!
Reconfirming conscious participation
Every season I ask creators to check in with your heart space to see if the Garden is still a Yes for you. If you feel a Yes to be in the Garden, and you want to enjoy uninterrupted access to the Garden, please reconfirm conscious participation by July 5.
If you need to update your creator profile + reconfirm conscious participation, you are welcome to update any information you need to.
If you don’t reconfirm by July 5, your access to the Creators Portal, Creators Shared Diary, WhatsApp groups, gatherings, and emails will be suspended, and you will be added to the Sanctuary (read more below). Your creator profile will also be removed from the Creator Directory. You are welcome to rejoin the Garden in the Creators Circle at any time.
Introducing the Sanctuary
The Sanctuary is the outer circle of the Garden. I’m inviting those who want to be connected to the Garden but not a part of the Garden as a creator to join the Sanctuary.
You don’t have to “do” anything to be in the Sanctuary. If I don’t hear from you by July 5, you will automatically be moved to the Sanctuary. Your same login email + password will give you access to our virtual Sanctuary portal.
Sanctuary members will receive a monthly love note from the Garden and have access to a special Sanctuary-only page within the Creators Portal. That page will have a few offerings every month. (Creators in the Creators Circle will also have access to the Sanctuary portal.)
Sanctuary members are anonymous and your private information will not be shared with other members in the Sanctuary or the Garden.
You are welcome to be in the Sanctuary for one year before you’ll be invited to renew your membership in the Sanctuary.
As always if you have questions, please reach out! I am here for you. I am still deep into feeling into the realities of all these layers. Your questions, feedback, and ideas are so nourishing to me! Thank you for being here!
Listen to Binah go on, and on, and on about all the magic she’s dreaming up for the summer in this fertility talk, Visions for the Summer 2021 Garden.