Welcome To The Joys Of Creation!
“The sharing of joy, whether physical, emotional, psychic, or intellectual, forms a bridge between the sharers which can be the basis for understanding much of what is not shared between them, and lessens the threat of their difference.”
Mother Audre Lorde
Here we groooooooowwwwwww!
I am soooo excited for our journeys to begin! Thank you for being here and nurturing this magical, generative, lovely world that is the Fertility Abundance Garden! Your presence is the gift, every time, in every way. THANK YOU!
Today is also the beginning of Welcome Week! Each day you’ll receive a new video love note introducing you to another dimension of our summer season. Today’s love note, Welcome To The Joys Of Creation, is all about witnessing, celebrating, and honoring the creation labors that bring us joy.
Joy frequencies are essential for abundance cultivation. When we feel good, we activate more depths and possibilities as creators. New, invigorating ideas appear in the soft, bright, expansion that joy seeds. Connections that hadn’t before been realized become so obvious and unfold organically. The energy to release, restore, reimagine, revive comes over us with a fullness and exhilaration that both satiates and inspires. When is the last time you were creating in your joy?
This summer is all about opening up the layers of how we create inside our joy, and sharing the bounty of our experiences with each other along the way. You are invited to witness, identify, and celebrate all the ways that you feel and experience joy when you are creating, crafting, writing, dreaming, mothering, birthing, nourishing, designing, dancing, building, making, curating, clearing, stitching, weaving, mapping, sewing, painting, taking photos, drawing, coloring, folding, cleaning, laughing, loving, being, cooking, walking, swimming, living. Every moment is a fertile moment. Something—wonderful, holy, healing, luminous—can be born in this now. And it is from this knowing that we nurture more lived realities of abundance inside these long labors. The minutes and seconds, days and hours, the weeks, the months, the years—they can all be filled with more abundance when we labor in the truth of what brings us joy.
One of the ways the Garden has nurtured more joy in my life is through mixing and making music for my lovelies. I am dreaming up so many sound studies and fertile soundscapes for the season. Today’s sound study is also connected to one of my sacred life labors, the mmC Majestic Muscle Core. For your dancing and creating vibes, I offer mmC Mini Mix #1, a little mash-up of some of the tunes that helped me birth mmC movements during our discovery labs this year. I love love love that the music makes more space for us to dance together, play together, be together, no matter where we are. I love hearing how creators apply the music offerings to their creation majesties. Listen + download below. Enjoy the dance, enjoy the grooves!
I also feel immense joy when new creators join the Garden! Let’s celebrate the lovely Creator Alexis joining the Garden this season! WELCOME WELCOME! The Creator Directory is where you can see who’s here with us at all times. Names and faces will be changing over the next few weeks as some creators join, return, or move into the Sanctuary. Visit with each other, send each other love notes, share stories, connect, and spread love! May we be together in all the ways we can be!
I am curious about what our experiments to document our joys will bring. I’m imagining the ways our shares will nourish us in the Garden, and also how we might begin sharing elements of our discoveries and brilliance with mamas in the Sanctuary, and with the world outside of the Garden. So the Joys of Creation is an intentional community witnessing process that we will practice, play, and experiment with together as a congregation all summer, and however long it wants to flow. I feel so much love, magic, and amazingness will come from this. Here we grow!!!
I have so much more I want to say! Lol, but the munchkins are like…FEED ME!!! TAKE ME OUTSIDE!!! CLOSE THE COMPUTER!!! So…this is me breathing through the intensity of all my dreams. They don’t have to all be born at once. There is time. Time is all we have.
Until next time…I LOVE YOU!
Wondering how to share your Joys of Creation moments with the Garden? Read: How To Share Your Stories & Creations With The Garden and begin sharing today!
Soundtrack | Stavroz The Finishing | Blue Lab Beats Pineapple (feat. Moses Boyd & Nérija | Thandiswa Kwanele | Boddhi Satva Belma Belma (feat. Maalem Hammam) [Cuebur & Vanco Remix] | Huge In Japan & Justin Imperiale Bahia (Justin Imperiale Remix) | Download