Life in the garden Shares
Creators share their stories
Welcome Beautiful One! Journey inside these portraits of our world in the Fertility Abundance Garden. This gallery + story collage features moments and creations from creators in the Garden. The Life in the Garden portal is a space where new creators and curious (potential) creators can discover more about our rhythms and practices. You are invited to feel for your Yes at all times, to take only what you need for that Yes, and leave all else behind. Enjoy the explorations!
Language is one of the many ways we create worlds in the Garden! Explore our Glossary and discover more reimagined language. What words have you birthed lately?
Watch and celebrate with Creators Netsenet & Margaux as they premier the first episode of Gettin’ JUICY. Explore the Soils Lab with Netsenet & Margaux: Gettin’ JUICY practice map to learn more.
Soundtrack | Denise Belfon Dance & Dingolay |Machel Montano Like A Boss
Sitting with possibilities | Feeling a series of intense contractions over the last hour, Mother Mother is convinced this baby is ready to come TONIGHT (and actually she has almost 3 more weeks to go)! She is energized and excited and decides to help baby along by dancing to some of her favorite soca tunes. She practices dancing in all the positions she will use during labor.
Mother Mother expands on how the Garden’s way of life, Come As You Are, seeds more freedom over a delicious platter of reheated injera.
Mother Mother unpacks the layers of one of the Garden’s central scriptures, Every yes lights the way. The acorn sermon is the seed articulation of a fertility sermon in the making.
Mother Mother celebrates the abundance of creation frequencies in her dancing body. | Soundtrack: Guts Bougé Bagay La | Nickodemus Crazy Stranger | The Shaolin Afronauts Shira
Mother Mother shares a bit about how her life practice of softness in the morning cultivates more generative creations. | Soundtrack: Kokoroko Abusey Junction | Yazmin Lacey 90 Degrees | Nicola Cruz Criançada (con Castello Branco) | Mlindo The Vocalist Emakhaya | Sara Tavares Balance | Mamani Keita Douba | DJ Maphorisa, Kabza De Small, Bontle Smith Lerato
Thank you for exploring life in the Garden!
The Life in the Garden portal features a changing collection of offerings. To access a more expansive archive of the Garden’s creations, download Mother Mother’s fertile soundscapess, attend our programs, and engage with other creators in the Garden, begin your journey!