Open Dreamscape: Animating & Activating the Come As You Are Seed Spiral Map
Hello Creative One! Welcome to Seed & Spark: Journal of the Fertility Abundance Garden. This is an Open Dreamscape. Learn more about how we dream out loud Garden below. To learn more about the Garden or to join as a creator, please visit the Fertility Abundance Garden Welcome Center. So much life, labor, and love goes into creating and sustaining the Garden and everything we share. The Garden is sustained by the kindness and generosity of creators and supporters. If any part of our magical world touches your heart and nourishes your being as a creator, please do pour into our Giving Well or join a Sustainability Circle today. If you are already contributing to our bounty, THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE!
Animating & Activating the Come As you Are Seed Spiral Map
An Open Dreamscape
monday | 2 May 2022 | 6pm Et
Initiated by Mother Mother Binahkaye Joy
Welcome to our first collaborative-time Open Dreamscape! This has been something I have been feeling into for a while now, and when no one felt a Yes to facilitate a Soils Lab for this week, it felt like the perfect time to try out a new process with creators.
The idea is that everyone present at the gathering takes part in shaping the evolution of our time together. As the initiator of this dreamscape, I am softly offering prompts and practices as starting points. The magic will be in everyone’s choice in what they invite the group to do.
Story of this dreamscape
In the last Fertile Friday love note, Come As You Are Is An Initiation, I introduce the Come As You Are Seed Spiral Map. This map is the first attempt to bring visual context to a practice that is at the heart of our experiences in the Garden, and our continuous experiments to welcome other creators who feel the Yes, and to also nurture our sistership. What do we mean when we say “Come as you are”? How can we illustrate the power of Come As You Are so that it helps more creators find their possibilities within it?
Each point along the map is a seed that is a core part of our way of life in the Garden. In this illustration I have centered the seed of PRESENCE: Come as you are as the origin of the spiral. Each seed has a corresponding scripture that brings that seed to life. In truth, any point along this spiral could be the beginning for someone, could be their way to find their place of authentic connection in the Garden.
In this Open Dreamscape I am inviting you to look at what I’ve put together so far, and to notice what comes up for you. I’m also curious as to what other ideas, images, texts, and other media come to mind when you think of animating and activating this map. This dreamscape is also an experiment in how we might move forward with collaborations and developments of the Come As You Are Practice Spiral that opens in the Fall Garden. This will be a 10 moons (months) learning lab + practice portal for new and curious creators wanting more support in their Come As You Are initiation. Ideas are overflowing, and I welcome feedback, questions, dream partners, and experiment helpers. Thank you for witnessing and pouring in! Here we grow!
Come As You Are Seed Spiral Map: This is a map of our foundational seeds of fertility abundance.
Every seed is another way into the Garden. Which seed speaks to you heart? Which affirmation inspires you to grow deeper into your process as a creator?
Dreamscape Activation Pathways
Each creator is invited to choose a prompt or practice that she wants to do and/or wants the group to explore together. Each creator is welcome to come up with her own offering outside of what is offered in the dreamscape. Creators are free to choose or not choose from the list of suggestions below.
#1 Explore & Discuss
Explore the Come As You Are seed spiral map, the images and the video. Notice what stands out to you, what questions arise, what ideas surface. What about the map brings clarity to Come As You Are? How could the map be redesigned or expanded on?
#2 Come As You Are storytelling
Share your Come As You Are journey with the group. Where did you begin? Where are you now in the process? What surprised you most about this journey? What do you understand now about Come As You Are that you didn’t understand before?
#3 Favorite Seed
Talk about the seed that resonates with you the most (even if it’s not a part of this map). How does the seed scripture connect to your story? Do you have an alternate scripture that you pair with this seed? How does this seed support you in embodying the Come As You Are practice in the Garden?
#4 visual-kinetic-aural story majesties
Draw, color, paint, or sketch the feeling of Come As You Are. Dance and discover movements that embody the Come As You Are. Compose a song or find music that reflects the Come As You Are frequencies. Experiment with the ideas of Come As You Are in the creative practice of your heart. What arises? Share your findings with the group.
#5 Come As You Are Witnessing
Tell another creator how you have witnessed her Come As You Are evolution in the Garden. Share examples with her about moments when you witnessed her growing and trusting the Come As You Are more and more. Celebrate what has expanded since her embracing the Come As You Are. Tell her what you have learned from witnessing her journey.
#6 Resource Library
Suggest books, articles, podcasts, films, etc. that are connected to the explorations of Come As You Are journey. Share your experience reading/watching/listening to whatever you are recommending. How does this offering support a deeper awareness and engagment of the Come As You Are process?
about our Open Dreamscapes
Open Dreamscapes are where we dream out loud, witness the magic of organic collaborations, and archive the majesty of our discoveries together. Unlike our Soils Lab practices, Open Dreamscapes are not facilitated by any one creator. Rather, the collective brilliance of everyone in the circle collaboratively shapes the experience in the sacred moment of togetherness. The dream activation pathways (prompts) created by the initiator of the Open Dreamscape are offered as soft possibilities for creators to explore. Creators are welcome and encouraged to feel deeply into the presence of now, and into the bounty of the face-to-face sistership magic, and embrace the organic evolution of the Open dreamscape journey from there.
Open Dreamscapes are another experiment in creating a world outside of capitalist structures. We practice presencing our togetherness over a script, plan, or direction of a leader. We practice feeling our way forward in the radiance of our combined genius powers. Where will we grow? What will come of this uncharted sojourn? In an Open Dreamscape, we center the loveliness of our curiosity, centering our questions and the doors they open. In an Open Dreamscape every participant is invited to shape some element of the process. As the experiment unfolds, something beautiful is born along the way.
attending Open Dreamscapes
Open Dreamscapes are collaborative-time (live), virtual dream-labors labs. To honor and protect the intimacy of our sharing, these gatherings are not recorded. We are a Come As You Are congregation and you are welcome to attend as much or as little of the lab as you like. You must be a creator in the Garden who has confirmed conscious participation to receive the access link for the labs. Please visit the Fertility Abundance Garden Welcome Center to join the Garden and begin attending Creators Circle gatherings. If you have recently or previously joined the Garden, visit the Sanctuary to confirm or reconfirm your conscious participation.
The Garden thrives in soft-time expansions. While the Soils Lab is a collaborative-time gathering, we consciously create multiple points of engagement for all creators to participate in the majesty of our explorations and experiments, whether or not you attend the lab. In addition to the practice maps, our Soils Labs are archived in multiple places inside the Creators Portal and the Creators Shared Diary. We also extend conversations and discovery opportunities in the Creators Channel and Fertile Majesties groups. Mattering soft-time practice spaces is a vital way that we disrupt mandates of capitalism, and continue to decentralize fixed-time and cumpulsory-time standards as universally legitimate and relevant. In making space for the diversity of our life rhythms and labors, we take great care to develop generative, nourishing methodologies that honor the fluid nature of our lives as creators.
where do you share your stories?
Ask a question + share your story with us. The Fertility Abundance Garden is a congregation for creators, a sanctuary for mothers, a dreamscape for sacred storytellers. To learn more and to join the Garden, visit the Fertility Abundance Garden Welcome Center.
Are you feeling inspired to share the love?
Thank you for witnessing our sacred labors in the Garden. If any part of this love nourished your being as a creator, please pour into our Giving Well. If there is someone you think would appreciate communing with this post or other shares inside Seed & Spark, please share and post this link with your lovelies and wherever else your spirit moves you. Thank you for being here!